Local Clean Energy
News & Alerts
June 2, this Thursday, in San Francisco
Join the rally and speak out at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) this Thursday to protest its resumed attack on community energy—in this case its efforts on behalf of PG&E and the state’s other monopoly utilities to stop the expansion of rooftop solar.
Or put otherwise, the utilities’ efforts to undermine the development of local solar needed to protect our communities not only from utility-caused wildfires and power shutoffs, but from the dramatic rise in utility bills imposed on us to pay for PG&E’s failures to provide the safe, reliable energy we need.
Protest this rigged utility game! Let’s remind the CPUC that what we need is more benefits of more local solar extended to more people in our community—in particular, renters and other low-income families. Let’s remind the CPUC it’s supposed to work for us, not utility shareholders.
Join the Action!
RSVP for Don’t Tax the Sun – San Francisco – Look the CPUC in the eye and tell them what you think in person on June 2nd. We will kick it off with a rally on the steps of the CPUC, and then help you sign up and speak directly to the CPUC. And, of course, we’ll have refreshments!
If you can’t make it, the Solar Rights Alliance is calling for the following actions:
1) Flood Gov. Newsom's phone lines. His number is 916-445-2841. His office is open 9-5, M-F. His phone lines are glitchy so please be persistent. Here's an example of what you can say, and feel free to personalize it:
"My name is __, I live in ___. The CPUC's latest rooftop solar plan is as bad as their first proposal. California should not kill rooftop solar, period. We need more benefits of more local solar extended to more people in our community, not less. Gov. Newsom must show leadership, right now."
2) Dial into the CPUC and give public a comment via phone. Instructions here
3) Spread the word - if you have a list, please consider sending an alert, post on social media, etc. Here is a sample message. Borrow from or rip off as much as you want!
For more information, check here.