Due to the incredible turn out of clean energy and environmental justice advocates defending solar for renters, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) postponed the decision on virtual net energy metering (VNEM) for the second time! The new date of the CPUC decision is
Thursday November 2nd starting at 11am.
The CPUC has proposed rules that will hurt the ability of schools, colleges, renters, multifamily property owners, condos, coops, small farmers, health centers - nearly everyone under the sun - to reduce their utility burden through rooftop solar known as virtual net energy metering (VNEM). The CPUC is scheduled to issue a final decision this Thursday 11/2! Because the CPUC has a different set of public notice requirements than most other government agencies, at this time we don't know if the proposal will be amended yet again as a result of our collective advocacy. However, there are things we can do this week to prepare ourselves.
1. Speak to Provide Public Comment by Phone or In Person Thursday, 11/2, starting at 11 am (the in-person meeting is in Sacramento)
. Here is additional information on how to call in or attend in person. If you are on the phone, just remember to press *1 to record your name and be put on the waiting list to speak. You must remain on the phone until you are called to speak.
2. Call the Governor & State Legislators Today -
Gov. Gavin Newsom appointed the CPUC Commissioners. His phone number is (916) 445-2841. His lines are open M-F 9 am - 5 pm.
Sample script:
My name is ____. I'm a ____ living in _________. I am calling to demand that __________ does everything in their power to stop the CPUC's proposal to block rooftop solar in multifamily housing, schools, and farms. This proposal would deny them the opportunity to reduce their already skyrocketing utility burden and make life even harder. The proposal must be changed to allow all multifamily housing, schools, and farms to use their solar power without utility interference, with no exceptions whatsoever. I would like a call back to hear what _____ intends to do to stand up for everyday people on this issue. My number is ______. Thank you.
Please forward to your contacts for whom this issue may be of interest. We can win if there's a groundswell of calls.
3. Reshare these Social Media Posts and Spread the Word:
4. Please tell the CPUC not to block solar for renters, farms, and schoolsGo to the CPUC website and click "Add Public Comment". For your comment you can use the points mentioned above or also see below for additional ideas for what to write.
Complete the public comment form and hit submit.
If you are part of an organization that is a party to this CPUC proceeding, please do not identify yourself as a member of that organization.
For years, the utilities have unsuccessfully tried to block homeowners from making their own solar energy. Now they are working to block rooftop solar for California renters, schools, and farmers. We are making a final push to defend their solar rights in the face of a disastrous, utility-backed proposal from the CA Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The CPUC is scheduled to make a final decision on November 2nd, 2023. You can help!
Thousands Of Renters, Farmers, And Schools Benefit From Rooftop Solar
California’s nearly 2 million solar rooftops include multi-family homes, farms, and schools.
They lower their utility bills through two programs that are very similar to the net energy metering (NEM) program used by homeowners.
The CPUC Has Proposed To Stop Apartments, Farms, And Schools From Using Their Own Rooftop Solar To Reduce Their Electricity Bill
Here’s how it works: the solar energy directly powers your property when the sun is shining, which reduces the amount of electricity you buy from the utility. This is common sense.
But the CPUC is
proposing that properties that have more than one electrical meter be blocked from directly using their rooftop solar energy. This would include apartments, farms, schools, factories, and other businesses.
For these solar users, the CPUC is proposing to give the utilities exclusive control over their rooftop solar energy when it is produced. The landlord and tenants of an apartment building, for example, would then have to buy their own solar energy back from the utility at full price. Under this scheme, they would lose all of the savings that single-family homeowners get.
The CPUC Is Proposing A Blatant Seizure Of Property
Yes, you read it correctly. The utilities are proposing to essentially seize control of the power generated by these rooftop solar systems—that they did not pay for and do not own—and then sell that power back to their owner.
With respect to rooftop solar, there is no meaningful difference between properties with one meter (such as single-family homes) and properties with two meters (such as apartments, farms, schools, and many businesses). All have the right to install solar panels and use that energy instead of buying it from the utility.
How Do The CPUC/Utilities Justify Their Proposal? Is There Something Different About The Way Rooftop Solar Works For Properties With More Than One Meter?
In the case of a school with several buildings, the solar energy might first flow into the local grid for a moment before traveling back to other buildings on the school grounds.
In these cases, the solar energy gets “in front of the meter” for an instant, and then flows right back to the property served. This is a technical feature related to how multimeter properties work with rooftop solar.
Bottom line, the solar electrons power the property. This is the only relevant fact. However, the CPUC/utilities say that because the solar electrons touch the grid for a brief moment, those electrons are no longer the property of the solar user.
This is utter nonsense because those same electrons flow right back and power the property as intended. The utilities/CPUC are using their monopoly power to defy the laws of physics, and to pretend that those electrons are not being used for self-consumption, when in fact they are.
You Helped Stop Utilities From Blocking Solar For Homeowners, So Now They Are Trying To Block It For Renters, Farmers, And Schools
You might be asking, “But didn’t the CPUC gut rooftop solar for homeowners last year?” Not quite. Thanks to your efforts, the CPUC did not alter your right to make solar energy to power your home “behind the meter.” The CPUC instead slashed the credit that homeowners get for sharing their extra solar energy with the grid. That’s not good, but the basic solar right for homeowners was preserved.
However, if the CPUC takes away the fundamental solar right for renters, there’s no doubt they will try again for homeowners at some point.
Renters, Affordable Housing Developers, Farmers, And Schools Are Fighting Back—And Homeowners Are Backing Them Up
Hundreds of organizations and businesses representing renters, farmers, schools, and apartment owners have sent letters, made phone calls, and met with decision-makers over the last month. Many of them have pointed out that rooftop solar is an important way to reduce California’s high cost of living for renters and others, and that this proposal makes the problem worse.
More than fifty people, including many solar homeowners, packed the CPUC’s August meeting to denounce their proposal and demand it be dropped.
We are continuing to sound the alarm with renters, farmers, affordable housing advocates and others to speak out.
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