(06/2021) A deadly pandemic. A cratering economy. Escalating utility rates. Unprecedented fire, smoke, and shutoffs. And through it all, PG&E took massive profits and doubled its executive salaries.
Now, with the end of the shutoff moratorium scheduled for June 30th, millions of California families are at risk of having PG&E turn their power off-- just so their Wall St shareholders can keep lining their pockets. We say PG&E should pay their share and not siphon public dollars.
A transition to a safe, reliable, affordable, community and worker controlled energy system needs to have energy as a human right at the center. And that means that no one, ever, should have their life-giving power shutoff for an inability to pay. The compounding crises of this past year has amplified how low-income, disabled, Black, Indigenous people of color communities continue to be punished by our current systems. Our energy system is no different.
That’s why next week, we’re joining with dozens of racial and economic community organizations across the country for the first ever #CancelUtilityDebt National Day of Action. From Massachusetts to Louisiana, Detroit to California, and many places in between, we’ll join together to demand that utilities value people over profits.
On June 15th at the virtual national rally, Reclaim Our Power will be calling on the California Public Utilities Commission to extend the shutoff moratorium, and use their power to ensure that company shareholders, not residential ratepayers struggling with debt, pick up the bill. Will you join us?
To build our power towards the energy future we all deserve, will you:
2. Join us June 15th, 11 am Pacific, for the #CancelUtilityDebt National Day of Action Virtual Rally (
RSVP by clicking here)
We’re at a crucial moment in the fight for our energy future- and we can decide whether we continue to get punished by PG&E’s debts, fires, smoke, and shutoffs, or we choose a different path.