(07/2021) June 15th marked the Cancel Utility Debt National Day of Action! Reclaim Our Power and Local Clean Energy Alliance joined with partners from the Energy Democracy Project, Right to the City, Partnership for Working Families, and dozens of others to bring the voices of low income, Black, Indigenous, people of color across the country that are currently facing massive utility bills and potential shutoffs.
You can find the recording
here, with the password CancelUDebt21!
ROP brought that thunderous momentum from the national day of action directly to the CPUC on June 24th. We sent over 350 emails and had dozens of callers demanding the CPUC extend the moratorium on shutoffs, cancel the utility debt, and force the shareholders, not the ratepayers or the taxpayers, to pick up the tab. After our outcry, the commission voted unanimously to extend the moratorium until September 30- a big victory. However, the fight continues to ensure that no one's power is taken away for lack of ability to pay.