Action Alert: Join us in Energy Justice Week!

Wednesday June 19 - A Green New Deal for the East Bay

Support the Funding of the Loca Development Business Plan
Testify to the East Bay Community Energy board 
6:00pm San Leandro, City of San Leandro Council Chambers, 835 E. 14th Street, San Leandro CA 94577
Agenda item 20
Contact Jessica Tovar at

Friday June 21 - Protest the PG&E Shareholders Meeting in San Francisco

Join us to say, “No bailout for criminal corporations!”  PG&E has a history of funneling money for safety maintenance into executive bonuses and shareholder profits. The corporation is still on probation after being found guilty for 6 felony counts in connection with the San Bruno explosion that killed 8 people and blew up a neighborhood, and under investigation for possible criminal acts related to the Campfire. They have already been bailed out in 2001 and 2012. We say no more!
Friday, June 21, PG&E Headquarters, 77 Beale st., SF
9:00am Memorial
10:00am - 1:00pm Program with speakers, theater music & protest