Reclaim Our Power Utility Justice Campaign officially launched!

(03/2020) On February 12th, the LCEA-anchored Reclaim Our Power Utility Justice Campaign held a launch event at the Greenlining Institute in Oakland, CA.  The campaign had begun to come together with the hiring of staff starting in August 2019 and the first leadership team meeting in October 2019, but this launch was the first opportunity for members of leadership and endorsing organizations to come together to get to know one-another and begin to really feel the power of the campaign.

The event was spectacular and the energy incredible.  The Resistance Hall at Greenlining Institute was packed, with over 75 people in attendance.  The program began with dinner, followed by a performance by BoomShake, who got the the crowd out of their seats with powerful chants and rhythms.  Next up, members from the leadership team organizations and close allies got up and inspired the audience with talks on the work they’ve been involved in and why they are dedicated to this campaign and the change it seeks to accomplish.  Afterwards, presenters got to the heart of the campaign, talking about the campaign’s vision for a just and equitable California energy system, the principles that must be embodied in such a system, and what roughly that system may look like.  Finally, everyone broke up into groups to discuss and ideate around arenas critical to the campaign: the state legislature, the governor’s office and the california public utilities commission, direct action planning, and narrative-building.

This launch event marked not just the beginning of the campaign itself, but of a frontline community and worker-led movement to foundationally change California’s energy system.  The ideation in the breakout groups concretely led to next steps - around further building the coalition, meeting with the governor’s office and engaging with the CPUC, and promoting our vision to the broader public through media, direct actions, and education.  We look forward to sharing updates with you as the campaign evolves and opportunities to engage further arise!