Tell Newsom: Protect Rooftop Solar

(11/2021) PG&E and California’s other investor-owned utilities are trying once again to put the brakes on local on-site solar. Last June we beat back AB 1139, their effort to gut Net Metering, California's cornerstone rooftop solar policy. Now they’ve taken their attack on local solar to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).

Why We Need Energy Justice

(11/2021) The Nonprofit Quarterly has recently published a feature article by Al Weinrub, Coordinator of the Local Clean Energy Alliance, in its special issue on Climate Justice.

Whose Community Power?

(11/2021) Last Wednesday, November 10, a board meeting of California Community Power (CCPower) put the title of the agency in doubt by ignoring a significant amount of community feedback from labor, environmental justice and Community Choice advocacy organizations. These community representatives were urging the CCPower Board to reject a proposal that would allow them to  not develop policies to guide the collaborative projects the agency implements. Such policies could set standards to safeguard labor and environmental justice concerns. The Board chose to reject community feedback and passed the non-policy making policy 8 votes to 2. 

Thursday: Reject PG&E's Wildfire Plan - Let's Finish the Job.

(10/2021) Last month, as PG&E was seeking another rubber stamp for their failing wildfire plans, LCEA members rose up and demanded that they be held accountable for the fires, smoke, and devastation in our communities, and no longer get a pass from California regulators. 

It worked- but this Thursday (10/21) we’ve got to finish the job.

Newly Released: People’s Utility Justice Playbook

(10/2021) Utilities have their playbook; it’s time we had our own. 

As utilities like PG&E increasingly fail to protect us in the face of climate change. They also impose rate hikes, undermine Community Choice energy, and attack rooftop solar. We need to expose their tactics and build our organizing strength—to not only fight back but to take the offensive. Just as the Reclaim Our Power: Utility Justice Campaign is doing here in Northern California.

Are you Passionate about Advancing Local Clean Energy? Join the EBCE Staff!

(10/2021) East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) has four job openings including the Program Manager, Resilience. The application deadline is 5pm on Friday, November 5.

Reclaim Our Power Campaign was invited to the Daybreak Podcast

(09/2021) Shaina Nanavati, research organizer for Reclaim Our Power, was recently interviewed on the Daybreak podcast with Jackie Fielder. Host Jackie Fielder asks how PG&E caused the 2017 and 2018 fires, whether wildfire victims have been adequately compensated (spoiler: no), and what a just alternative to (potentially a takeover of) PG&E looks like.

Equity in Clean Energy: Two New Programs

(09/2021) As you know, the East Bay Clean Power Alliance have been advocates for equity in clean energy for years.  We have been spreading the word on emerging programs & projects coming out of East Bay Community Energy that are beneficial to community members that have been systematically shut out of the clean energy economy.  If you have not heard already, there are two really great programs being launched now; the Medical Baseline Battery Program and also a community solar access program called Community Solar Green Tariff (CSGT).  

Thursday: Take Action to Reject PG&E's Wildfire Mitigation Plan! 

(09/2021) For years, PG&E's deadly failures have been facilitated by decision makers quietly approving the utilities plans and hoping that the corporate behemoth will keep its promises. For years, PG&E has responded by burning down our communities, shutting off our power- and charging us for it in the process. 
On Thursday, they're banking on getting another pass on their Wildfire Mitigation Plan, and continuing with the status quo- which our communities will not survive. 

Revolutionary Power: Reflections from the Book Club

(09/2021) The Reclaim Our Power Utility Justice Campaign (ROP) had the opportunity to celebrate, and grow from, the wisdom of one of our heroes this summer. Over three sessions, members of the campaign read, debated, and integrated the brilliance from Revolutionary Power, a book authored by Shalanda Baker, co-founder of Initiative for Energy Justice and the first ever Deputy Director for Energy Justice in the Biden administration. 
We asked the convenors of the ROP book club: "How do the lessons from Revolutionary Power inform your work for a just energy system?"


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