Alert: Solar Action at CPUC Thursday, March 17

(03/2022) This week is the one-year anniversary of the date that the state’s monopoly utilities publicly launched their attack on rooftop solar in California.

Local Clean Energy Job Openings!

(03/2022) Local Clean Energy Alliance needs your help in filling a few vital new positions in support of our work to promote the development and democratization of local renewable energy resources.

If any of these positions work for you, please apply. If not please forward this listing to individuals you know who might be interested and qualify, and to your networks where social justice/clean energy advocates hang out or look for work.

Attack on California Rooftop Solar Hits a Snag

Al Weinrub, Coordinator of the Local Clean Energy Alliance, speaking out for our communities at the State Capitol, as petitions in support of rooftop solar were delivered to Governor Newsom on December 8, 2021.(02/2022) An effort by the state’s monopoly utilities to kill the growth of rooftop solar in California has been put on ice, at least temporarily. Due to a well-organized campaign to Save California Solar, Governor Newsom told the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to shelve a proposed decision to gut the state’s Net Metering program.

Take Action: Newsom: Reject PG&E's License to Burn!

(01/2022) In our fight for energy justice, 2022 has begun where the last year ended- fires and failures of our energy system. But in the next couple weeks, Gavin Newsom has the opportunity to turn things around- and move toward an energy system that works for all of us.

The Power of Community Advocacy-Updates on East Bay Community Energy (EBCE)

(01/2022) Grants for Debt Relief

Back in 2015, East Bay Clean Power Alliance and the initial East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) Steering Committee was dreaming up a Community Choice program that addresses and invests in the needs of the community it serves. The big question was how do we create a program that prevents disconnections for households struggling with utility debt?  Community Choice doesn’t own or run the mechanism to shut off power, PG&E does. But what Community Choice programs can do is prevent or help those who might be behind on their bills.  By offering resources to 501(c)3 non-profits who work directly with impacted communities within Alameda County and Tracy.

Support Clean Power to the People Today to Save Rooftop Solar in California from Extinction!

(12/2021) Local Clean Energy Alliance (LCEA)’s work sits at the intersection of clean energy and social justice. We challenge the current energy system and investor-owned utilities like PG&E. That’s why we need your help! Donate now to help us reach our goal.

LCEA 2021 Highlights

(12/2021) Local Clean Energy Alliance has been at the forefront of promoting energy democracy for more than a decade. 2021 was no different. Below are some of our achievements in 2021. Check out LCEA’s 2021 Highlights to learn more.

California Rooftop Solar Faces Extinction!!

(12/2021) On December 13, a proceeding of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) proposed the gutting of California’s Net Energy Metering policy, which has been responsible for the rapid growth of rooftop solar in the state. Outrageous as it is, this proposal came as no great surprise, as Governor Newsom’s CPUC has been giving the state’s monopoly utilities—PG&E in particular—everything else they’ve been asking for, from bankruptcy rescue, to rate hikes, to licenses to burn down our communities. And on a silver platter, to boot.

The New CPUC Must Work for Californians, not Corporations!

(11/2021) Reclaim Our Power Utility Justice Campaign needs your help in fighting for the safe, reliable, worker and community controlled energy system we all need!  

The California Public Utilities Commission holds enormous power over our energy future- everything from broadband and water, to regulating PG&E and the other Investor Owned Utilities. And now, after an unexpected resignation, Governor Newsom has to appoint the next President of the powerful Commission. 


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